Let us be of service today!
Already have a Monument or Memorial?
We offer exceptional services for existing pieces whether they're 2 or 200 years old!
Cleaning: Is mold, dirt, moss, lichen, graffiti, etc. covering and starting to eat away and erode your expensive and loving rememberence? Let us be of service.
Our trained professionals will lovingly and painstakingly clean the piece using our proprietary cleaning solutions bringing it back to its past glory. Saving you possibly thousands in repair, restoration, and replacement costs.
Lettering: Need date/s, name/s, designs, and other inscriptions added? Let PeaceDale's professionals help design, manufacture, and inscribe that special something.
Restoration and Repair: Is your loved one's monument leaning over toward disaster? Is it crooked on its base? Has it fallen over completely? Let us be of service. Our experts will wright, reset, and true the piece as if it were just set yesterday. Is there a piece broken off? Can't see the inscriptions anymore? Let us take a look and evaluate the options with you. More often than not we can make a recommendation that will save you money and preserve that family heirloom.
That's Service at its best! That's PeaceDale!